richmond newborn photographer

Itty Bitty Early Bird | Richmond Newborn Photographer

Just a handful of weeks after I went down to see Amy and take her maternity photos, little Julie made her appearance!ย  A few weeks early, but still right on time.

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The family was so excited to get their little girl.ย  Harvey is already showing what a great big brother he is!ย  He is great at holding her and was trying to help her when she cried.

Julie, with her sweet dark hair and cupid lips, was the perfect model!Richmond Newborn Photographer

Harvey insisted on holding Julie’s hand for their sibling photo!Richmond Newborn Photographer

Love the sweet details!Richmond Newborn Photographer

Julie’s nursery colors have purples and aquas in them, so we tried to incorporate some of those colors, and this scarf is so sweet and perfect for a sweet and perfect, sleeping babyRichmond Newborn Photographer

And of course we have to get Mom in the photo!ย  Pink and brown is one of my favorite combinations.Richmond Newborn Photographer

And while a young newborn (age 10 days and under) often makes the sleepiest, “bendiest”, babies, don’t let 20 day old Julie hear that!

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Richmond Newborn Photographer

And while Julie was awake, we had to get a few shots!ย  Look at that expression!ย  Such bright eyes and attention to the world, Julie is ready to take it by storm.Richmond Newborn Photographer

The happy family (minus their dogs, who were a little too excited to get in the picture…well, one at least!).Richmond Newborn Photographer

I love capturing the sweet details…Richmond Newborn Photographer

This headband is actually a piece of antique lace:

Richmond Newborn Photographer

All blankets and wraps Julie is laying on are actually made by me, a true custom setup!Richmond Newborn Photographer

A perfect session for a perfect little baby.ย  I hope I get to see more of Julie when she grows up, I can’t wait to see her grow into all that beautiful hair.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

3 responses to “Itty Bitty Early Bird | Richmond Newborn Photographer”

  1. Love this entire post! What a lucky family to have a great photographer and even more fortunate… what a lucky photographer to have such a beautiful family to capture.