Charlottesville Newborn Photographer VA

Amiya, Amiya!ย  The child we’ve been waiting for.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Her mother and I play Bunco together, and I’ve been watching that belly of Quiana’s grow over the last months.ย  So it was with great honor for me to do Amiya’s newborn photos.ย  It was always a topic of conversation at Bunco!

I also had the privilege of taking family photos at a fall mini-session of Quiana and her family, including Amiya’s doting older brothers, Elijah and Jayden…Jayden, who is only a bit over 1, himself (two under 2!), is apparently really taken to her.ย  But look at her…who wouldn’t take to her???

SQUEE.ย  I think it’s the lips that get me…she’s just got a cupid-pucker right there.

Amiya gave me a run for my money…she was sleepy, but woke up a lot.ย  Being a little one, like my daughter at birth, I think she wanted to nurse a lot.ย  Piper (my kid) was the same way…they both were similar in birth weight (Amiya just an ounce less at 5 lbs 11 ounces), I imagine they had a lot of catching up to do, but tiny tummies.ย  I think Piper was at least 3 months before she could go longer than 2 hours between nursing sessions.ย  Not.ย  Even.ย  Kidding.

And knowing that, Quiana came to my house for the shoot.ย  If you have a smaller house or would rather come to me, keep that in mind…my basement has a great entertainment system (thanks to my husband, the engineer & stereo system snob) as well as a VERY comfy couch.ย  Quiana was tired as anything, mentioned she napped often when Amiya napped (and the other boys were in daycare), and I said go for it.ย  Our sofa is UBER comfortable…remember, I’m an interior designer by trade, I sprung for spring-down cushions and it’s niiiice.ย  That’s TWO moms now who have fallen asleep on my couch while their babies modeled for me.ย  I’m thinking this would make for a good bonus during my sessions for you tired parents.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Back to the topic at hand, that makes two newborns in a row that weren’t QUITE sleepy, but again, both very very amiable.ย  Amiable Amiya alliteration much?

She’s definitely the little princess of the family!

And since she was close to being a holiday baby (more Thanksgiving than Christmas, but cut me some slack), I had to do some twinkle lights for her.

That pram just slays me.ย  It will be ultra fun for summer-months, so any of you mamas-to-be with summer due dates, take a gander and imagine the possibilities.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Congratulations once again to the T. family and the arrival of their little girl!


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